For the upcoming full moon, we will be offering a ritual, sharing, song, and ceremony to honor January’s Full Moon in Leo. During these uncertain times, we are coming together to uplift, support, and behold one another. Let's empower each other into aligned action to create the world we want to live in and pass on to our children.
In alignment with this intention, this full moon circle is free to all, however we ask you to offer what you can because EVERY DONATION YOU MAKE will go to a women-led effort on the ground here in Santa Cruz County supporting women. Now is the time to practice what we preach: praying and ritual is powerful, YES IT IS – BUT WE NEED YOUR ACTIONS TOO! When you sign up here and make a small or large donation, know that you are taking action and making an impact.
Donations will benefit Maria Ramos’ Campesinx Womb Care Project.
“COVID has disproportionally impacted farm workers. Before COVID, farmworker women were already overexposed to chemical pesticides, intense working conditions, and very little healthcare and legal protections. Maria Ramos, an indigenous midwife serving farm worker in the community, created this project to offer hygienic kits made to honor women and their sacred womb space.”
All who identify as women, non-binary, womxn are welcome.
Wear your coziest wolf-like clothes, have a candle and journal ready, and clear a sacred space for ritual practice.
Space is limited in the zoom container, so please do not sign up if you don’t plan to come, to honor sisters who want to come. This is not a yoga class. You can find those here.